25 may 2023

Tourist group registration order

The General Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Komi recommends tourist groups and individual tourists register and inform the region’s rescue services of their route.

The most preferred option is to register at the search and rescue unit nearest to your travel route no later than 10 working days before setting off. In the Republic of Komi, you can do this at the offices of SPAS-Komi or the North-Western Regional Search and Rescue Team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; the latter are located only in Syktyvkar and Vorkuta. These are also the places where safety briefings are held.

Informing about a planned tourist expedition can also be made by calling 01, or, if you use a cellphone, 112, or +7 (8212) 299-999, the hotline of the General Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Komi. One more way to notify the officials of an upcoming trip is to visit the administration of the municipality where the route goes. In this option, the head of a group has to submit an application for holding a tourist event.

The application must include the following data:

  • the organization’s name, address, and phone number;
  • the start and end date of the tourist event;
  • the description of the route containing the coordinates of the starting, intermediate, and final points, along with the checkpoints listed with the estimated time of their passage;
  • the description of the emergency exit route;
  • information on the ways of contacting the group during the passage of the route;
  • information on the technical equipment of the group, including individual means of rescue;
  • the planned number of participants of the tourist event, the citizenship and place of residence of each of them;
  • surname, name, and patronymic of both head of the group and his deputy, information on the instructor and health worker, including their phone numbers, if there are such specialists among the participants of the tourist event.

The safe passage of a route is ensured by using the right equipment and means of communication, including a satellite phone and satellite navigation receiver, and having maps, food supplies, medicines, first aid kits, warm sleeping bags, lanterns, hunting matches, devices for heating meals, such as stoves and burners.

After the group leaves the route, but no later than the declared end date of the tourist event, notify the rescuers about the end of the trip.

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