Vuktyl is a small town in the Komi Republic, located on the banks of the Pechora River, 530 kilometers northeast of Syktyvkar.

About the city
General information
Administrative centre: Vuktyl
Area: 22453.18 sq.m
Population: 11,401 people
It is no coincidence that the center of the small town of Vuktyl is decorated with a helicopter. The city owes its birth to gas. In 1959 the first team of workers was brought here to drill a well by helicopter.
One of the most powerful gas pipeline in Russia originates in Vuktyl - the Siyanie Severa gas pipeline (Vuktyl - Ukhta - Torzhok).
From Vuktyl, tourists begin their journey to Yugyd Va National Park to the famous peaks of the Subpolar Urals. Not far from the Mansi block-heads on the Manpupuner plateau is Mount Timaiz, where unique fairy-tale snow block-heads are located, nicknamed "white walkers". Winter winds compact the snow on the trees and fairy-tale figures appear instead of small spruce trees.