Ust-Kulomsky District
Ust-Kulomsky District is located in the southeast of the Komi Republic, in the River Vychegda basin.

About the district
General information
Administrative centre: Ust-Kulom village
Area: 26368.01 sq.m
Population: 23,493 people
The pearl of the Ust-Kulomsky region is the Trinity Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery. The main complex was built by the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery. The monastery was restored in the 90s of the last century. From the bell tower of the monastery opens up a stunning view of the village of Ulyanovo and its environs. After spending the night in the monastery, you can touch the reclusive life of the monks of the monastery.
In Maly Anyb village, tourists will be accommodated in guest houses, they will be shown a home museum and taken along protected paths to abandoned Lunpoka village, where life used to be. If the hike takes place in August, tourists will be provided with mushrooms and blueberries.
In Ruch village, which is nearby, it is worth admiring a giant spruce with three trunks. A whole group can hide under the spruce, and its lower branches turn into powerful trunks. A few years ago, a local craftsman forged unusual characters and “settled” them on the branches of a miracle tree.
Not far from Ust-Kulom is Zastava Komi - a guest house in ethnic style, where the image of the Upper Vychegoda traditional hut is recreated. It is located in a beautiful place with access to the river. Here you can learn how to cook national fish and meat dishes, bake Komi shangi, ride a snowmobile, go to a Russian or Black banya and sleep on real polatyas. Boat trips to Kadam and Don-ty lakes are also carried out here.
Lake Don is one of the wonders of the Ust-Kulomsky region.
Don-ty is one of the seven largest lakes in the republic, its length is 15 kilometers. At its bottom lies a centuries-old layer of peaty silt and sapropel, which can be safely wiped off for medicinal purposes.
From the regional center of Ust-Kulom village, you can get across the river to Kerchomya village, which became famous due to the painter Vasily Kandinsky. During his journey “to the Zyryans,” a student of St. Petersburg University decided to leave his career as an extra sociologist and devote himself to art.