Syktyvdinsky District
One of the central districts of the Komi Republic.

About the distict
General information
Administrative center: Vylgort village
Area: 7473.90 sq.m
Population: 24,468 people
Leading industries: forestry
The Syktyvdinsky district "hugs" the capital of Komi Syktyvkar from three sides.
Several trout farms are developing in the municipality, and there is the Zelenetsky Alps ski resort in the village of Zelenets on the territory of the district.
On the right bank of the Vychegda, between River Chovyu and Lake Enty, there is the Beloborsky reserve. In the mushroom season there are both ceps and many others: orange-cap boletus, yellow boletus, chanterelles, capercaillies.
Finno-Ugric ethnopark
But the main attraction of the Syktyvdinsky district is the Finno-Ugric ethno-cultural park in the ancient village of Yb. The park is not only a collector and keeper of Finno-Ugric cultural traditions, but also a tour operator that opens the Komi Republic to guests from Russia and abroad.
In the village itself, a place of Orthodox pilgrimage, there are a dozen holy springs and the only candle White Light workshop in the North-West, where tourists can cast wax candles on their own and listen to stories about the ancient craft.
On the way to Syktyvkar, in Lozymskaya Pushcha ecopark, you can communicate with six reindeer and look into the hut of the Izhma reindeer herders.